The dystopian novels by Gaius Famius were written as warnings to show
pro-lifers what the future may hold if the forces of abortion are successful in
pushing their agenda on everyone. The possibility of "Mandate" and "Unborn"
have been seriously doubted. Since these novels were written, events have
continued to move forward, and the inevitability of a 100% mandated abortion
culture has only grown. In spite of the overwhelming evidence available in the
daily news reports on pro-life websites like and,
a large number of pro-lifers continue to believe that building more Pregnancy
Health Centers will eventually eliminate abortion. It is the very success of
the PHCs that is making them one of the primary targets of the forces of
abortion. If we do not start taking steps now to protect the PHCs, they will
be destroyed.
This short article by Gaius Famius takes a non-fiction look at how the PHCs
are and will be targeted.
pro-lifers what the future may hold if the forces of abortion are successful in
pushing their agenda on everyone. The possibility of "Mandate" and "Unborn"
have been seriously doubted. Since these novels were written, events have
continued to move forward, and the inevitability of a 100% mandated abortion
culture has only grown. In spite of the overwhelming evidence available in the
daily news reports on pro-life websites like and,
a large number of pro-lifers continue to believe that building more Pregnancy
Health Centers will eventually eliminate abortion. It is the very success of
the PHCs that is making them one of the primary targets of the forces of
abortion. If we do not start taking steps now to protect the PHCs, they will
be destroyed.
This short article by Gaius Famius takes a non-fiction look at how the PHCs
are and will be targeted.
The Demise of the Pregnancy Health Centers
by Gaius Famius
The undeclared primary goal of the ACA is to impose the abortion culture on
every, without exception, every American. This means the direct support by
every American of constitutionally protected, government sanctioned murder of
innocent babies.
The sooner pro-lifers recognize this fact, that the ACA is not about
healthcare or economics, then the more time they will have to raise their voices
for the innocent Unborn before freedom is completely extinguished in the most
powerful nation on earth.
Imagine that before the American Civil War, the southern slave-owning states
were able to pass, as the law of the land, a law demanding slave exchanges in
every state, and if the states would not set up the exchanges, then the federal
government would set up and run the slave exchanges in the free states
Imagine that the slave-owners passed a law that required every business to
provide for their employees slave buying insurance so they could buy slaves for
their households.
Imagine that the slave-owners passed a law that required every individual
American to own a slave, and penalized them if they did not.
Imagine that the slave-owners passed a law imposing a Slave Premium Mandate
on each individual requiring them to pay a minimum of $1 per month into a fund
used to buy slaves for those too poor to buy their own slaves.
Now move from the evil institution of slavery, to the more brutal, cruel, and
evil institution of abortion murder, and you have not imaginings, but the actual
law of the land today.
TODAY, it is the law of the land that establishes abortion murder exchanges
in every state, free or not; that requires employers to buy abortion murder
insurance; that requires every American to have abortion murder insurance; and
directly forces through the Abortion Premium Mandate every American to pay for
the abortion murder committed by others.
Don't believe the lies that one can opt out, or choose policies that don't
cover abortion. This simply is not true, and where these options currently
exist, they will not remain. The abortion-owners will not
give straight answers on the abortion questions because it is their privately
avowed intent to remove all choice from the matter and force everyone to
directly support them and become participants in their crimes.
Imagine that there was no civil war because the slave-owners imposed these
laws on America, and then declared that abolitionists were enemies of the state
and hanged them all for treason.
It could have happened. The Supreme Court upheld the rights of slave-owners
in the Dred Scott decision, just as the Supreme Court today upholds the rights
of abortion-owners.
The abortion murder laws have already been imposed on America. The situation
today is already much worse than it was prior to the American Civil War. It is
only going to get worse.
Pregnancy health centers, PHCs, have stood strong against the abortion
culture, and saved the lives of countless baby humans. However, PHCs play by
the rules. They are legal entities, who follow the myriads of laws imposed upon
American society to deliver within the system an extremely important service
which saves lives every day. The good people who work and run PHCs are
law-abiding citizens who mean no one any harm.
It is the law and regulations that will be used to destroy the PHCs, and put
an end to their life-saving work. Not only the laws and regulations already
existing, but numerous new ones that haven't passed yet.
PHCs will be accused of all of the sins of abortion clinics. They will be
accused of running unsanitary, non-compliant health centers that will be
shutdown for real or imagined violations of existing and future health codes. A
biased, motivated inspector can always find something to violate anyone for.
The PHCs will be held to standards that would allow the manufacture of clean
room computer chips in their facilities, and yet it still won't
be enough. Meanwhile, the abortion clinics across the street will be unkempt,
unsanitary hovels, which already get passes from health inspectors.
The passage of ENDA (the Employment Non-Discrimination Act) will result in
LGBT abortion supporters applying for jobs at PHCs and then either suing the
PHCs when they are not hired, or causing havoc within a PHC if they are hired to
comply with the law. Any real or imagined slight will be used to tie the PHCs
up legally, waste their money on lawyers and legal issues, and interfere with
the operation of their business. These illegitimate employees will also plant
evidence and commit acts that will allow health inspectors to shut down a
New laws, such as ENDA, are only ever the beginning. The real bite is in the
myriad regulations written, not by elected representatives, but by career
bureaucrats, often to impose private agendas. The non-discrimination mantra
will result in regulations used to ensure the non-discriminatory provision of
services from women's health centers. Abortion clinics already claim to provide
information on the “alternatives”, and will not be affected. However, the PHCs
will now be required to provide information on abortion options that is
supportive of a woman's choice. Since PHCs will not comply with this, as it
goes against their very reason for existence, eventually the government will
require that an actual abortion doctor or nurse be employed at every single
women's health center in order to ensure that women can receive “unbiased”
counseling as to their options.
In the meantime, the ACA will economically and logistically fail. While many
will advocate the return to a free market system, the largest insurance
providers, with their enormous lobbying clout, will ensure that doesn't happen.
Large companies are not interested in competition, but in monopolies.
Monopolies mandated by the government are the best kind. The replacement for
the ACA will be a single-payer system where the government pays a small group of
large insurance companies to provide services. The profits of health insurance
companies will be higher than ever before as they use their political clout to
take money from tax payers through guaranteed payments from the government, all
while being able to cut costs by rationing health service delivery.
One of the ways that costs can be cut is through the provision of abortion,
thereby saving the cost of a pregnancy, birth, post-natal care, and years of
healthcare, especially if a pre-diagnosis shows the baby at risk of some health
problem. Both the government and the insurance companies will back these
cost-saving abortions, and doctors will be pressured to forcefully recommend to
almost all mothers that they have an abortion for some imagined reason or
Healthcare provided by the insurance companies will include direct abortion
services, and it will no longer be necessary for women to go to separate
abortion clinics to receive an abortion. All existing abortion clinics will be
folded into the larger healthcare system.
The new healthcare system will not absorb or include the PHCs. The services
provided by PHCs will not be available through the single-payer healthcare
At the same time, the government will work, through laws and regulations, to
destroy all competition to the single-payer healthcare system, not only for the
kinds of services provided by PHCs, but also all medical services, including
dental, vision, walk-in clinics, cash payment for services, and all independent
healthcare provisions. This will be done simply by requiring that the
providers of all healthcare services must receive their payment for services
from the government through one of the approved insurance companies. The large
insurance companies will simply exclude any doctor or medical service that is
not a part of their approved network.
All independent healthcare will wither and die. Any PHCs that try to
continue to operate as non-profits without charging the patients for services
will be further targeted through ever tightening
regulations. Eventually, anyone providing services outside of the
approved network will simply be charged with practicing medicine without a
license, arrested, and jailed, as per current existing laws. All non-compliant
PHCs will be shut down, or worse, changed into abortion centers with the same
At some point, all legally operated PHCs will cease to exist.
Women's healthcare will only be available through government-approved
insurance-based networks that will be openly pushing abortion. The strongest
tool of the pro-life movement will have been destroyed by the very system
that it attempts to operate within.
If slavery had been the law of the land, and there were no free states left,
how then would the slaves have been set free?
Abortion murder is the law of the land. There are no free states left. How
will the lives of the innocent Unborn be saved now?
How will the pro-lifers save the lives of babies when the PHCs are gone?
every, without exception, every American. This means the direct support by
every American of constitutionally protected, government sanctioned murder of
innocent babies.
The sooner pro-lifers recognize this fact, that the ACA is not about
healthcare or economics, then the more time they will have to raise their voices
for the innocent Unborn before freedom is completely extinguished in the most
powerful nation on earth.
Imagine that before the American Civil War, the southern slave-owning states
were able to pass, as the law of the land, a law demanding slave exchanges in
every state, and if the states would not set up the exchanges, then the federal
government would set up and run the slave exchanges in the free states
Imagine that the slave-owners passed a law that required every business to
provide for their employees slave buying insurance so they could buy slaves for
their households.
Imagine that the slave-owners passed a law that required every individual
American to own a slave, and penalized them if they did not.
Imagine that the slave-owners passed a law imposing a Slave Premium Mandate
on each individual requiring them to pay a minimum of $1 per month into a fund
used to buy slaves for those too poor to buy their own slaves.
Now move from the evil institution of slavery, to the more brutal, cruel, and
evil institution of abortion murder, and you have not imaginings, but the actual
law of the land today.
TODAY, it is the law of the land that establishes abortion murder exchanges
in every state, free or not; that requires employers to buy abortion murder
insurance; that requires every American to have abortion murder insurance; and
directly forces through the Abortion Premium Mandate every American to pay for
the abortion murder committed by others.
Don't believe the lies that one can opt out, or choose policies that don't
cover abortion. This simply is not true, and where these options currently
exist, they will not remain. The abortion-owners will not
give straight answers on the abortion questions because it is their privately
avowed intent to remove all choice from the matter and force everyone to
directly support them and become participants in their crimes.
Imagine that there was no civil war because the slave-owners imposed these
laws on America, and then declared that abolitionists were enemies of the state
and hanged them all for treason.
It could have happened. The Supreme Court upheld the rights of slave-owners
in the Dred Scott decision, just as the Supreme Court today upholds the rights
of abortion-owners.
The abortion murder laws have already been imposed on America. The situation
today is already much worse than it was prior to the American Civil War. It is
only going to get worse.
Pregnancy health centers, PHCs, have stood strong against the abortion
culture, and saved the lives of countless baby humans. However, PHCs play by
the rules. They are legal entities, who follow the myriads of laws imposed upon
American society to deliver within the system an extremely important service
which saves lives every day. The good people who work and run PHCs are
law-abiding citizens who mean no one any harm.
It is the law and regulations that will be used to destroy the PHCs, and put
an end to their life-saving work. Not only the laws and regulations already
existing, but numerous new ones that haven't passed yet.
PHCs will be accused of all of the sins of abortion clinics. They will be
accused of running unsanitary, non-compliant health centers that will be
shutdown for real or imagined violations of existing and future health codes. A
biased, motivated inspector can always find something to violate anyone for.
The PHCs will be held to standards that would allow the manufacture of clean
room computer chips in their facilities, and yet it still won't
be enough. Meanwhile, the abortion clinics across the street will be unkempt,
unsanitary hovels, which already get passes from health inspectors.
The passage of ENDA (the Employment Non-Discrimination Act) will result in
LGBT abortion supporters applying for jobs at PHCs and then either suing the
PHCs when they are not hired, or causing havoc within a PHC if they are hired to
comply with the law. Any real or imagined slight will be used to tie the PHCs
up legally, waste their money on lawyers and legal issues, and interfere with
the operation of their business. These illegitimate employees will also plant
evidence and commit acts that will allow health inspectors to shut down a
New laws, such as ENDA, are only ever the beginning. The real bite is in the
myriad regulations written, not by elected representatives, but by career
bureaucrats, often to impose private agendas. The non-discrimination mantra
will result in regulations used to ensure the non-discriminatory provision of
services from women's health centers. Abortion clinics already claim to provide
information on the “alternatives”, and will not be affected. However, the PHCs
will now be required to provide information on abortion options that is
supportive of a woman's choice. Since PHCs will not comply with this, as it
goes against their very reason for existence, eventually the government will
require that an actual abortion doctor or nurse be employed at every single
women's health center in order to ensure that women can receive “unbiased”
counseling as to their options.
In the meantime, the ACA will economically and logistically fail. While many
will advocate the return to a free market system, the largest insurance
providers, with their enormous lobbying clout, will ensure that doesn't happen.
Large companies are not interested in competition, but in monopolies.
Monopolies mandated by the government are the best kind. The replacement for
the ACA will be a single-payer system where the government pays a small group of
large insurance companies to provide services. The profits of health insurance
companies will be higher than ever before as they use their political clout to
take money from tax payers through guaranteed payments from the government, all
while being able to cut costs by rationing health service delivery.
One of the ways that costs can be cut is through the provision of abortion,
thereby saving the cost of a pregnancy, birth, post-natal care, and years of
healthcare, especially if a pre-diagnosis shows the baby at risk of some health
problem. Both the government and the insurance companies will back these
cost-saving abortions, and doctors will be pressured to forcefully recommend to
almost all mothers that they have an abortion for some imagined reason or
Healthcare provided by the insurance companies will include direct abortion
services, and it will no longer be necessary for women to go to separate
abortion clinics to receive an abortion. All existing abortion clinics will be
folded into the larger healthcare system.
The new healthcare system will not absorb or include the PHCs. The services
provided by PHCs will not be available through the single-payer healthcare
At the same time, the government will work, through laws and regulations, to
destroy all competition to the single-payer healthcare system, not only for the
kinds of services provided by PHCs, but also all medical services, including
dental, vision, walk-in clinics, cash payment for services, and all independent
healthcare provisions. This will be done simply by requiring that the
providers of all healthcare services must receive their payment for services
from the government through one of the approved insurance companies. The large
insurance companies will simply exclude any doctor or medical service that is
not a part of their approved network.
All independent healthcare will wither and die. Any PHCs that try to
continue to operate as non-profits without charging the patients for services
will be further targeted through ever tightening
regulations. Eventually, anyone providing services outside of the
approved network will simply be charged with practicing medicine without a
license, arrested, and jailed, as per current existing laws. All non-compliant
PHCs will be shut down, or worse, changed into abortion centers with the same
At some point, all legally operated PHCs will cease to exist.
Women's healthcare will only be available through government-approved
insurance-based networks that will be openly pushing abortion. The strongest
tool of the pro-life movement will have been destroyed by the very system
that it attempts to operate within.
If slavery had been the law of the land, and there were no free states left,
how then would the slaves have been set free?
Abortion murder is the law of the land. There are no free states left. How
will the lives of the innocent Unborn be saved now?
How will the pro-lifers save the lives of babies when the PHCs are gone?
Copyright 2013 Brass Serpent Productions LLC